Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing

Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo Services

  • Combo Brows

    $450(touch up $200 has to be done 6-8 weeks after first appt/yearly refresher $350)

    A semi-permanent tattoo technique in which a tattoo machine/blade is used to deposit pigment into the brows. Can be used for nano brows, nano combo, microblade and shade, or powder brows.

  • Microblading

    $400(touch up $200 must be done 6-8 weeks after first appt/yearly refresher $300)

    A semi-permanent tattoo technique that uses a manual tool to “scratch” pigment into the skin/brows to create hairlike strokes.

  • Lip Blush

    $400(touch up $200)

    A semi-permanent tattoo done by depositing pigment into the lips for a natural “tinting” effect.

  • Eyelash Enhancement

    $300(touch up $150)

    A semi-permanent tattoo done along the lash line, to give the appearance of thicker/darker lashes.

What is Permanent Makeup(PMU)?

Permanent makeup, AKA permanent cosmetic tattooing, is a cosmetic technique which employs tattoos(permanent pigmentation of the dermis) as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eye-lining and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids.

How long does PMU last?

Permanent makeup is designed to actually be semi-permanent, so that it fades over time(1-5 years)…the reason for this is so that as your looks change, your PMU can change with you! PMU is low maintenance, not no maintenance. Therefore, it usually requires annual touch ups every 1-2 years.

How many treatments will I need for my desired result?

Usually 2 treatments (initial procedure + touch up) are what it takes to get your PMU where you want it. However, sometimes it takes more than 2 applications to get your desired results…it just depends on the situation and how your skin retains the pigment. After that people tend to get an annual refresh every 1-2 years.

Touch-up’s are done between 6 to 8 weeks, anything after that is considered an annual refresh.

How long does a typical procedure take?

Each procedure runs around 2 - 2 1/2 hours.

Does the procedure hurt?

Permanent makeup can be what I’ve heard as “slightly” uncomfortable, but each person’s pain tolerance is different…so it can vary. Numbing cream is used the entire procedure to keep you as comfortable and pain free as possible.

Is pre/post care really that important?

Pre/post care instruction are MAKE OR BREAK for the outcome of your permanent makeup. If you follow the pre and post care procedures you will have a better chance of your permanent makeup healing to its best ability. Plus, permanent makeup isn’t cheap…this is an investment in yourself, and so you should take care to follow these guidelines to the best of your ability.

You are NOT a candidate for Permanent Makeup if any of the following applies to you:

  • Pregnant or nursing mothers

  • Those with a history of keloid scarring

  • Diabetics (please consult your physician)

  • On any blood thinning / anti-coagulant medication, Omegas, herbal-, green- and detox teas. Please consult physician if these have been prescribed.

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiation (consult your physician)

  • Viral infections and/or diseases

  • Epilepsy

  • If you had an organ transplant

  • Pacemaker or major heart conditions

  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the area that will be treated (including rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure

  • Skin irritations, Psoriasis or Eczema near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

  • Sick (flu, cold, etc.)

  • Poor health

  • Had Botox in the past month

  • Used Roaccutane / Oretane (or any other form of oral Vit A)in the past six months

  • Had an eyelift / blepharoplasty or laser eye surgery – wait for about 3 months & consult with your physician

  • Under 18

  • Extremely sensitive skin

  • Women who tend to hyper pigment

  • Tendency to cold sores / herpes. An anti-viral prescription is needed prior to getting Lip PMU

  • Those spending time in the sun or in tanning boots are not good candicates since the UVA rays will alter and change the pigment tones.

  • Any person who is undergoing a major life trauma should not get PMU as it is not wise to alter one’s physical appearance while undergoing major stress in life. It will be best to wait until the issues causing the trauma are resolved

FAQs about Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing/Permanent Makeup